



Kakhovskaya HPP, environmental disaster, water resources, water pollution, environmental safety, public administration, socio-ecological environment, emergency situations of a military nature


The article considers the main factors of ecological danger caused by the consequences of military actions on the territory of Ukraine, namely the consequences of the explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station dam on June 6, 2023. Modern approaches and tools of state management of environmental security of Ukraine are also analyzed. The essential role of public administration in the implementation of the environmental security policy of the state in the conditions of the risks that military actions entail has been proven. The current situation of the national security system of Ukraine determines the need for changes in the system of state management of environmental security. It is emphasized that the flooding of large areas has led to serious negative consequences for the environment and agricultural lands. A separate analysis of the impact of the disaster on water resources, soils and the living space of the population was carried out. The long-term natural and man-made threats that arose as a result of such a change are named, the set of socioeconomic threats that arose due to the negative consequences of the existence and draining of the Kakhovsky Reservoir is described. The possible consequences of the restoration of hydrotechnical structures, which can lead to secondary water saturation of soils that have already undergone deformation due to a decrease in geotechnical stability during primary flooding and subsequent drainage, are briefly considered. The environmental disaster caused by the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP proved that it is necessary to create an effective system of state control and quick response to emerging environmental risks caused by military actions. It was determined that the most important factor in preventing the consequences of military aggression, the irreparable disruption of the normal life of the population, should be the promotion of the rapid restoration of all spheres of development and normal existence of the country in the post-war period. A socially and ecologically favorable option for the rehabilitation of the affected region is possible only on the modern European ideological and technological basis of taking into account the maximum permissible changes in the hydrological network, i.e. it is possible with modern means: the creation of a cascade of low-support channel reservoirs with locks and small hydroelectric power plants, reconstruction of riverside ponds and water supply systems, transfer of domestic water supply on underground sources, on irrigated lands – on drip irrigation.


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Трагедія Великого Лугу. Копачі вже поїхали… Але! Електронний ресурс: http://chas-time.com.ua/liudyna/tragediya-velikogo-lugu-kopachi-vzhe-pojikhali.html.

Чому не слід відновлювати Каховське водосховище. Електронний ресурс: https://eco.rayon.in.ua/blogs/616673-chomu-ne-slid-vidnovlyuvati-kakhovske-vodoskhovishche

Кабмін схвалив проєкт з відбудови Каховської ГЕС з експериментальними термінами (18.01.2024). Лія Ільченко. «Економічна правда». Електронний ресурс: https://www.epravda.com.ua/news/2023 /07/18/702335 /



