


civil service, civil servants, mental health, stress, factors of professional stress of civil servants, professional training programs


The article is devoted to the study of stress determinants in the activities of civil servants. It is noted that the effectiveness of civil servants depends on such psychological determinants as activation and motivational characteristics of an individual, level of social adaptability, frustration tolerance, subjective attitude to a stressful situation, peculiarities of mental processes and properties of the nervous system. stress can negatively affect the professional efficiency of civil servants. Constant stress can lead to a decrease in the productivity and concentration of civil servants, while they may have difficulty in making decisions, performing their duties and interacting with colleagues. A significant level of stress can also lead to an increase in errors and inefficiency in the performance of work tasks. In order to maintain high professional efficiency of civil servants, it is important to develop strategies to overcome stress and create a favorable working environment. One of the ways to reduce stress can be the introduction of regular psychological trainings and seminars to help employees understand and manage their stress. Strategies for overcoming stress are an important element in managing the stress of civil servants. They include developing self-regulation skills that help reduce stress and relax. Such strategies may include physical activity, meditation, deep breathing, and other relaxation techniques. It is also important to provide psychological support and counseling so that civil servants can express their emotions and receive support in solving their problems. The application of stress coping strategies can improve the general psychological state and professional efficiency of civil servants. In order to ensure a reduction in the level of stress on average, it is necessary to take into account all the determinants of stress and develop strategies that would ensure optimal working conditions of civil servants, their professional growth and health.


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