



physico-mathematical model, force, wheel, obstacle, car.


The wheel drives of a military vehicle are intended for its movement to satisfy the performance of technological tasks in the zone close to combat, but this requirement is not fully satisfied. This is related to the performance of the above tasks in difficult conditions, in off-road conditions. In order to ensure the mandatory performance and reliability of technological movements in such conditions, construction specialists focused their actions on improving the running gear, especially the suspensions. The article deals with the theoretical research of the design of the developed suspension of a military vehicle. The movement of the car is carried out with the help of wheeled motors, which partially satisfy the performance of technological tasks in the zone close to combat. The main drawback is the fulfillment of the requirements for moving a military vehicle in off-road conditions, and in some cases, the impossibility of moving it. In order to increase the reliability of the technology of moving a car in offroad conditions, the development of world-class specialists is aimed at improving the design of its suspension, as well as the technology of moving it in off-road conditions of a military vehicle, the number of movements of the system, and the movement of the center of mass of this system. The purpose of the study is to improve the technological scheme of loading the wheel drive when it moves the support, the transformation of the energy supplied to the wheel drive and the quantitative movements kinematically distributed in the wheel drive into the controlled relative to the wheel disc movement of the car with the addition of the traction force of the car with the portable forces of quantitative movement, which is an auxiliary factor to the innovative technology of its movement. The scientific and practical direction of the work consists in the fact that for the first time the considered technology in which the law of change of mechanical energy is applied during the rotation of the wheel drive over an obstacle, i.e., the energy supplied to the wheel drive and the quantitative movements kinematically distributed in the wheel drive in the controlled motion of the car relative to the wheel disc with summing up the traction force of the car with the portable forces of the quantitative movement, and this allows us to approach the consideration of the implementation of the torque on the wheel drive more expediently. The methodology of the study was to establish a mathematical relationship between the quantitative movements kinematically distributed in the wheel drive in the car movement controlled relative to the wheel disc and the parameter of quantitative movements, as well as with the dynamic mobility of the car itself. The result of the research is the development of the elements of the theory of quantitative movements kinematically distributed in the wheel drive. When revealing the concept of "dynamically developed suspension", equations were used that mathematically confirm the connection with the quantitative movements kinematically distributed in the wheel drive in the controlled movement of the car relative to the wheel disc, which allows overcoming obstacles on the way and supporting surface in certain conditions of vehicle operation. The value of the conducted research, the results of the conducted work will allow to make a contribution to the automotive industry. The proposed car model is suitable for use in order to increase the ability of vehicles to overcome obstacles.


Лебедєв А.Т., Антощенков В.М., Бойко М.Ф. та ін.. Трактори та автомобілі. ч. 3. шасі. навч. посібник за ред. проф. Лебедєва А.Т. Вища освіта, 2004. 336 с.


