



steam generation, boiler, boiler unit, automation, automatic control system, dynamic accuracy improvement.


A significant part of the technological processes at industrial, agricultural, and food enterprises is connected with the large consumption of steam produced by steam boilers in the enterprises’ own boiler rooms. Today’s challenges require increasing the energy efficiency of steam boilers, ensuring resource conservation, reducing harmful emissions into the environment, etc. It is possible to solve these complex tasks, in particular, by increasing the intellectual level of algorithms for automatic control of steam production in boilers. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the existing similar automatic control systems. A lot of research in this direction is known, but the existing systems do not provide the necessary dynamic accuracy of control due to the failure to take into account in the steam pressure regulation circuit in the boiler drum a significant disturbance – the selection of steam by consumers. The authors proposed an effective system of automatic control of steam production in the DKVr-10-13 boiler of increased dynamic accuracy based on the principle of invariance to controlled disturbance. In the course of the research, the technological process of steam production was analyzed, a set of boiler models was developed as a control object, and their digital implementation was carried out in the Matlab Simulink environment; control algorithms have been developed, which ensure an increase in the efficiency of operation and dynamic accuracy of stabilization of regulated variables of the boiler, algorithms for logical control of the boiler have been developed; technical means were selected and the technical structure of the boiler control system was developed; the graphic interface of the automated workplace of the boiler plant operator based on the Genie SCADA system was developed; developed software for the implementation of digital control algorithms on functional and freely programmable controllers; fragments of project documentation for technical support of the control system were developed; the economic expediency and investment attractiveness of the development are substantiated, the issue of safety and occupational health and safety during the operation of the boiler is considered.


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