


microservice architecture, inter-process communication, modeling, remote procedure invocation, remote procedure call, messaging, message broker, saga, patterns.


Today, the problem of designing a microservice architecture is becoming more and more relevant. Microservices, which allow building loosely coupled systems, have a number of advantages over monoliths: the possibility of horizontal scaling, better separation of the system into its constituent parts (services), each of which is easier to develop and maintain, the possibility of more efficient use of resources, etc. These and a number of other reasons lead to the growing popularity of this type of architecture in the industry, which influences the choice of architects and software engineers regarding the implementation of microservice architecture both when building new systems and as a vector of development of legacy monolithic systems, which are increasingly transferred to microservices. The issues related to the design of microservice systems contain a large number of different aspects, and one of them is the choice of the type of interprocess communication along with a number of accompanying patterns, technologies, and tools. The impact of such a choice cannot be overstated: the ability of services to exchange data effectively forms the foundation of business logic organization, which at the same time has a significant impact on such non-functional characteristics as scalability, reliability, and complexity of development and maintenance. This article examines the methods, principles, and tools intended for the organization of inter-process communication in microservice systems, highlights the patterns that allow of reducing the influence of limitations and shortcomings of certain methods and tools, provides principles and approaches both established in the industry and known mostly in the academia. The abovementioned aspects are considered in the context of both synchronous and asynchronous communication, within which there are their own subclasses of the types of protocols, tools, accompanying patterns, and distributed transactions.


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