


information processing in computer systems,


In this article, the problem of choosing vehicles for logistical support of multimodal transportation of passengers is considered as such, which must be solved in conditions of uncertainty and vagueness of the initial data. In the conducted studies, the theoretical propositions of group expert evaluations based on metrics using the mathematical apparatus of Dempster-Shafer’s evidence theory and cluster analysis were further developed. The values of various metrics (Tessem, Josselme, Euclid, Bhattacharya, Wang distances) characterizing the degree of difference between selected groups of expert certificates were calculated. On the basis of calculations, it is shown that the choice of metric is one of the main factors that affect the results of dividing the original set of expert certificates and forming subgroups of experts with fairly close assessments. It has been proven that if representatives of several administrative districts of the city (dispatchers) and/or transport companies are used as experts, additional procedures can be used to bring together the opinions of different subgroups. Or, provided that expert testimony is stable and final, it is possible to aggregate expert testimony for each subgroup separately. As a result of the research, the synthesis of a mathematical model of uncertainty management and the development of innovative information and computer technology (ICT) decision support for the automated submission of city vehicles to stops were performed. The method is implemented on the basis of counting the number of passengers at bus stops based on IP video surveillance data of the "Smart City" computer system.


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