



drone, UAV, technical means, software, control, flight controller, autopilot, route planning.


The article is devoted to the review of technical and software control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which is an actual topic in modern robotics and the aviation industry. The development of unmanned aerial vehicles creates a demand for complex technologies and software that provide effective control and navigation of these systems. The article examines the main aspects of the technical means of controlling UAVs, including flight controllers, sensors, stabilization systems, communication systems, hardware and software for motion control and data acquisition. The characteristics of hardware based on FPGA, ARM, Atmel and Raspberry Pi architectures are described. An analysis of available UAV control software, namely: ArduPilot, Multiwii, AutoQuad, LibrePilot, AuterionOS and developments from the Dronecode Community, was carried out. The analysis determined the compatibility of software with flight controllers. High-level control systems that allow developers to create their own applications and integrations for various tasks and additional functions of unmanned aerial vehicles are separately considered. A comparison of high-level control systems was made among themselves according to the following criteria: modularity of the structure, support for UAVs of multiple frames, support for aircraft rate output, multi-agency support, support for many flight platforms, plugin-oriented architecture, used middleware, open source software. The comparative information of software and hardware tools and high-level systems presented in the work is designed to simplify the task of final selection of UAV control tools. This need arises due to the growing number of industries where unmanned aerial vehicles are used. During the research, the existence of a large number of both technical and software control tools for UAVs was revealed. The most famous of them were taken for the review.


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