


public administration, programmatic management, theoretical and methodological foundations, the tourism industry, the subjective life satisfaction problem, the concept of socially adequate management, the nation mentality, the region development strategy


The article highlights the improving program-target state administration problem in the military threat conditions to the human civilization democratic development, environmental and economic challenges, the human activity globalization, and the innovative and digital technologies introduction. One of the ways to solve this problem is to provide new opportunities for public administration based on the use of theoretical and methodological developments. The study purpose is to find out the structural components of the tourism industry program-target state management theoretical and methodological foundations in the modern challenges conditions. The theoretical and methodological foundations components of the tourism industry program-target state management include: program-target methodology, social adequacy methodology, system-synergistic approach and scientific concepts of the state management models functioning, the country and region development strategy; government activity concepts and programs, program-target and political decisions, management program-target method, theoretical and conceptual foundations for solving the Ukrainian subjective life satisfaction problem. The V.V.Alyokhin's theoretical approach on the human activity impact on the transition from technocratism to human-centeredness; the socially adequate management concept; the approach on the activity psychological mechanisms influence on a person's goal-setting and theoretical developments on the influence of a person's value hierarchy on his satisfaction with life and his achievements in society are the theoretical and conceptual bases for solving the subjective life satisfaction problem for Ukrainian. The development of socially adequate management, in particular the people mentality influence on their well-being, will increase the tourism industry management efficiency.


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