


integrated automated control system, airline, passenger transportation, passenger flow, database, clientserver architecture.


The work analyzes the provision of the appropriate level of quality of airport services by studying the satisfaction of consumer requirements. In the modern world, transport ensures the sustainable development of infrastructure and serves dynamic international relations. One of the key factors in the development of the modern global economy in the context of the internationalization of markets and the formation of the economic space is air transport. The world market of air transport is one of the main elements of the world economy and plays an important role in the process of strengthening relations between countries. In the modern conditions of globalization of the main processes of social and economic life of mankind, the possibility of rapid movement of people and goods over long distances to various, including the most inaccessible, places of the world makes the air transportation market one of the most promising and dynamic transport markets. The main purpose of airport formalities is aimed at ensuring the guarantee of transportation, compliance with the conditions of flight safety, as well as the fulfillment of the requirements of various government bodies that apply to citizens who use the services of air carriers. The successful operation of airports is carried out not only by traditional methods of management, but in new, dynamically developing conditions, it is implemented through the management system of economic flow processes using modern information technologies. The sale of tickets to passengers on airplanes is one of the most important operations in the general process of organizing air transportation, since at this stage commercial loading on airplanes is assembled and contractual relations between the passenger and the carrier are established. An important feature of any air travel is the reservation of a plane ticket, which gives the passenger a guarantee of securing a seat for him on the aircraft operating the selected flight on a certain date. The work proposes software for the mobile application "Aviation Assistant" for automating the purchase of airline tickets. This application will allow passengers to conveniently and quickly book and buy airline tickets through pre-sorted flight categories.


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