


gender equality, labor market, gender stereotypes, international legislation, Ukrainian society.


The article examines the problems of gender equality in the entire spectrum of life activities – in the spheres of work, education, family, management. The main historical periods of solving gender problems in the world are given – from patriarchal and orthodox society to modern humanistic society. The current views of Ukrainian scientists on the issue of gender equality and the directions of state policy in this area, recorded in international and national legislation, are clarified. The provisions of some international acts and, in general, the activities of the United Nations Organization, which from the beginning of its existence put the issue of gender equality in the first place, connecting peace and stability in the world with its solution, are analyzed. The problems of gender equality in the labor market and during production activities are defined, where the differences between women and men consist not only in access to the labor market and a certain workplace, but also in the different evaluation of women and men according to the stereotypes developed in society. The attention of the international community is focused on gender inequality in the organization, in particular the pay gap, the development of a woman's career, her working conditions, as well as the problems of other people from the most vulnerable categories of society. It was concluded that the educational and production potential of a female worker does not yet guarantee her full access to a position where decisions are made – other factors are also needed, among which the fulfillment of the provisions of international documents, which must be observed by every state that is part of the relevant international an organization that takes care of issues of gender equality. The gender pay gap must also be monitored and gradually reduced.


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