


social protection, social security, social development of the city, social sphere, public authorities, public administration, level and quality of life.


In the modern conditions of the military aggression of the Russian Federation, the issue of systemic transformations of the processes that shape the socio-economic development of the state and its regions is becoming more and more relevant. The study describes the peculiarities of the Ukrainian social protection system, which has undergone changes from paternalism to subsidiarity, the features of which are the formation of a welfare state, the development of human capital, and the realization of sustainability of economic development. But the armed conflict caused changes in many areas of socio-economic development, including the city's social development system. The article emphasizes the need for systemic transformations to clarify the essence and features of social protection taking into account existing national models, in connection with which the work considers the features of the residual model, the model of industrial and economic development, the model of industrial distribution and the model of state welfare. The theoretical analysis of social protection models enabled the implementation of some ideas of the northern model, and the use of the principle of trust as the basis of interaction between authorities (providers of social services) and the population (recipients of social benefits). The article presents the main projects of the Recovery Plan of Ukraine as a confirmation of the modern process of transformational shifts in the social protection system of the population. The work also proposes a model of systemic transformations of the city's social protection, which contains six main steps of implementation. The proposed model considers social protection as a complex system that needs constant analysis, reforms and adaptation to the changing needs caused by the challenges of the modern city. The model is based on fundamental principles: systematicity, anticipatory status, rationalization of public administration; openness and transparency of the functioning of public authorities; effectiveness of the mechanisms of public management of social development of the city.


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