



corruption, corruption risk, public procurement, humanitarian aid, mobilization sphere.


Currently, there is no state in which corruption has been fully eradicated. None of the socio-political and economic systems predicted, does not predict, and is not capable of predicting complete immunity to corruption. Corruption can exist for a long period even in developed democratic states, as well as in open market economies. The difference is not in the existence or absence of corruption itself, but in its scope, features of corruption manifestations, influence on economic, social, political, legal and other processes. Corruption, on the one hand, reveals the main social relations that are implemented in the state and society, on the other hand, it affects the economy, politics, legal sphere, ideology, social psychology, etc. Corruption reflects the ineffectiveness of the government, the imperfection of more important state and social institutions. Ukraine belongs to the countries where there are war zones, which are characterized by an increase in the degree of corruption. It is necessary to realize that corruption is considered the main threat to the national security of the country, at the same time, in a synergistic context, it affects the rest of the threat in the security sector, contributing to the functioning of various types of organized crime, deepening social instability, depriving the state of the ability to perform the functions delegated to it by society, making economic growth impossible. The article analyzes the most relevant corruption risks in military conflicts, in particular in public procurement, mobilization and humanitarian aid. The main directions for overcoming corruption in the above-mentioned areas, in particular, increasing the degree of transparency and control of the public procurement process; introduction of requirements regarding compliance with competition and guaranteeing the same conditions for all who participate in the process; ensuring the conditions for the conformity of the conceptual apparatus; review of the list of specially authorized state bodies regarding the provision of humanitarian assistance, the range of their powers and the algorithm of their implementation; conducting a review of the grounds for providing humanitarian aid, as well as the rules for customs clearance of cargo with humanitarian aid; outline the principles of interaction between military administrations and local self-government bodies; formulation of principles and criteria for distribution of humanitarian aid; establishing requirements for ascertaining the amount, reporting and monitoring the targeted use of humanitarian aid.


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