



alternative energy, restoration of the state, public administration, local self-government, decentralization of power.


The work considers the key aspects of energy autonomy, which is a countermeasure to the armed military aggression of the Russian Federation and the introduction of energy autonomy in the territories of territorial communities and active countermeasures, diversification of energy sources, development of alternative energy sources, the implementation of European Union directives and ratified agreements in the field of energy security and environmental security, energy efficiency improvement and infrastructure modernization. In the study, the authors propose to create or modernize existing infrastructure potential in isolated communities and territories suffering from the armed aggression of the Russian Federation to ensure sustainable development and reduce dependence on imported energy resources. The paper notes the importance of the development of small-scale energy and energy-efficient technologies to support energy autonomy at the level of individual communities and regions. The authors discuss the possibilities of financing and support from the state, international organizations and the private sector to stimulate the development of renewable energy sources and increase energy efficiency. In addition, the work examines challenges and obstacles affecting the process of forming energy autonomy in Ukraine, such as political instability, hostilities, corruption, technical and financial limitations. The authors suggest ways to overcome these obstacles by improving legislation, stimulating innovation and developing the public sector. In the conclusions of the work, a conclusion is drawn regarding the need to stimulate and introduce a systemic approach to the formation of energy autonomy in Ukraine and the economic efficiency of territorial communities and the region.


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