


state mechanism, public administration, state image policy, international image of the country.


The article is devoted to the study of the issue of image policy of the state. It is found out that the image of the state is a set of rational and intuitive ideas lacking essential understanding. It has been found that such ideas are mainly based on images, narratives, metaphors or symbols that represent only a part of the state or its functioning. At the same time, mass consciousness is able to capture these large-scale public manifestations of the state’s reputation, which can manifest themselves through different institutional formations. It is established that in the international arena Ukraine’s image depends on many factors, in particular: the level of democracy; geopolitical position; reforms and anti-corruption mechanism; humanitarian aid and peacekeeping operation. It is determined that today the controversy surrounding Ukraine’s image is not only political, but also related to the country’s security, economic development and democratic evolution. Only the systematic involvement of a wide range of different actors in the formation and adjustment of image policy can ensure the formation of a positive image of Ukraine (and its adjustment) in the eyes of the international community and the country’s population, which in turn will contribute to the domestic consolidation of forces, legitimisation of power and intensification of interaction between the state and civil society institutions. At the level of foreign policy, it is necessary to intensify co-operation with other countries and non-state actors of world politics, to promote strengthening of the state’s position in international rankings, attraction of investments and political partners and, accordingly, sustainable development of society. Today, when Ukraine is in a state of war, it is more difficult to create an image of the state, as it requires more concerted actions of the government to form and implement the image policy of Ukraine and a strategic plan capable of improving the image of our country in the world community. Taking into account these multifaceted factors and developing a policy that meets national values and aspirations, the Ukrainian government should work to create a positive and authentic image of Ukraine for the international community, thus strengthening its credibility in the international arena.


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