


franchising, tourism, franchisor, franchisee, franchise, franchise packages.


The article analyzes the global and domestic practice of franchising networks development in tourism in connection with the processes of restoring the volumes of tourist activity in the post-covid period. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the state of tourism activity in the global dimension is indicated by comparing the indicators of the prepandemic period with the data of 2020. The process of restoring economic activity is revealed based on the study of the number of international arrivals, income from international tourism, the number of people employed and tourism contribution to global GDP in the post-Covid period. Forecasts regarding the growth rate of global activity volumes and an increase in the share of travel and tourism in the GDP for the next decade are indicated. Scientists’ approaches to the "franchising" category content justification are summarized, its advantages as a business model and a means of solving social problems are highlighted. The state of the global franchising market development in tourism is analyzed by studing the practice of its leaders in different parts of the world. The leading position of the USA is substantiated due to the number of franchise structures, industry representation and the scale of expansion into the hospitality and tourism markets of other countries. The leaders in terms of franchise network volumes in the North American tourism market are indicated. The spread rates of this type of entrepreneurship in the countries of the European Union have been studied, with an emphasis on its share in various areas, including tourism, and the income received. The volume of franchising in the Asia-Pacific region is revealed on the example of a number of travel companies. The dynamics of franchising development in Ukraine is revealed and the areas of their greatest representation, changes in the geography of franchise objects under the influence of the war and trends of expansion abroad are indicated. Attention is focused on Ukrainian enterprises and their business scaling practices. Approaches to the development of the network of two Ukrainian tourism operators with an emphasis on their expansion into the international market, the offer of franchise packages and the range of included services have been studied.


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Join UP! Франчайзинг. URL: (дата звернення 01.04. 2024).

