



strategic alliances, competitive advantage, business model, partner companies, opportunities, benefits, risk sharing.


The article substantiates the relevance of establishing strategic alliances between domestic and foreign companies in order to avoid communication difficulties in the unfavorable for the national economy time when the martial law has worsened the conditions for both domestic and international cooperation of domestic companies, limited the business opportunities in terms of managing its own resources due to the complication of the regulatory framework for crossborder transactions, etc. On the basis of generalization of foreign and domestic directions of theoretical studies of the concept of "strategic alliance", it is established that its key elements are: agreement, partnership, joint use of resources or opportunities, mutual benefit, and risk sharing. The characteristics that make an alliance strategic, the benefits and negative aspects of choosing to form an alliance are investigated. The author considers possible forms of business models used by strategic partnerships depending on the goals, industry, and nature of the partnership, and shows how previously unforeseen combinations of cooperation force companies to look for an effective algorithm of joint work. It is determined that the formed alliances use business models that affect the internal business models of companies, and therefore there is a need to coordinate the internal strategy and, accordingly, adjust the internal business models in accordance with the environment. The author suggests ways to align the internal strategy of partner companies with the overall strategy of a strategic alliance. It is concluded that for Ukrainian companies, the benefits associated with this unique type of partnership can be particularly useful and bring several positive effects. Taking into account the current economic situation and peculiarities of the Ukrainian business landscape, the author suggests the types of alliances that may be most relevant.


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