


professional ethics, ethics, ethics in marketing, professional morality, marketing research, respondent, research company, customer company, deception


The article raises the issue of compliance with ethical norms and rules in the professional activity of marketers. Since the ethical constructions of professional ethics in marketing can be analyzed from an overview of the key marketing functions that are implemented in the company, it is appropriate to clarify the ethical problems of conducting marketing research. The ethics of conducting marketing research is one of the constituent components of the construction of marketing ethics along with ethics in the implementation of marketing product policy, marketing policy of pricing, marketing policy of distribution, marketing communications. Key problems in the course of conducting marketing research concern the problems of relationships between various participants in this process. The relationship between the participants in marketing research – the research company, the customer company and respondents – is the relationship of specific people who perform certain functions in the process of fulfilling their roles. It is important to outline the problems that arise in the process of relationships according to the scheme «research company» – «customer company», «research company – respondent», «company – customer – respondent». Despite the fact that there is no direct contact between the customer company and the respondents during the research and their relationship is more indirect than direct, ethical problems in their relationship arise quite often. An important point in conducting marketing research is to satisfy the key needs of all research participants by using mutually beneficial mechanisms of interaction in defined relationship structures. Ethical issues are not a matter of coordination or formalization of relations, most often they are the responsibility of each participant in the research process.


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