inland waterway transport, river navigation, infrastructure, investments, safety, ecology, environmental protection, European legislation, harmonisation of legislation.Abstract
The article examines the prospects for the development of inland waterway transport (IWT) in Ukraine in the context of European integration and harmonisation of legislation with European standards. The current state of the national legal framework and its compliance with international norms, in particular, EU directives on transport and environmental sustainability, are analysed. Particular attention is paid to the challenges posed by military operations and the need to modernise the infrastructure and financing system of the military-industrial complex. The potential of reforms in the field of IWT is highlighted, in particular in terms of environmental responsibility, which is important for reducing the environmental impact of transport, state support as a key factor in the sustainable development of infrastructure, and attracting private investment necessary for the modernisation and financial support of the industry. The article emphasises the relevance of the European integration process in Ukraine, which correlates with current trends in transport development and the need for its integration into the European transport network. The author considers legislative initiatives based on new approaches and changes in the national legal field, which highlight the prospects for the development of the Ukrainian IWT in the context of European directives. The importance of harmonising Ukrainian legislation with European norms is demonstrated. The article analyses the current Law of Ukraine ‘On Inland Waterway Transport’ from the standpoint of economic, legal and organisational perspectives. A comparison of this document with similar European legislative acts is made. It is concluded that the absence of legislation that is up-to-date in relation to European analogues is a constraint to the development of inland waterway transport in Ukraine. The article emphasises that the uncertainty of the legal status of river ports, terminals, river transport lands and hydraulic structures, non-transparent and not always justified application of maritime law to river transport, lack of clear regulation of the rights and obligations of carriers, as well as interaction between economic entities and the State, including relations between ports and cargo owners, reduces the investment attractiveness of river transport and hinders the development of the river transport market. The article notes that the link between the priorities of Ukraine’s European integration course in the field of inland waterway transport and the main directions of the EU’s policy on the development of water transport should be clearly reflected in legislative initiatives. This implies a careful consideration of EU directives in the field of water transport, which should be implemented in Ukrainian national legislation in accordance with the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. The article emphasises that the speedy finalisation of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Inland Water Transport’ will significantly improve the efficiency of the Ukrainian inland water transport system, create the prerequisites for its integration into the European transport communications network and have a positive impact on the environmental situation.
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