management, transport, service, competition, quality.Abstract
Improving the quality of transport services is a key success factor for transport companies in a competitive market. The quality of transport services affects the company’s ability to meet customers’ mobility needs, which in turn influences their choice of carrier. The main indicators of transport service quality include parameters such as timely delivery, cargo safety, transportation security, service regularity, environmental friendliness, and more. For public transport, key factors also include the comfort of the vehicles, affordability of fares, and convenience of schedules, all of which directly impact customer satisfaction. A comprehensive approach to assessing the quality of transport services should take into account all these indicators as a whole. One important aspect is finding a balance between improving service quality and the costs required to implement improvements. Transport companies must seek optimal solutions that enhance service quality without significantly increasing costs, taking into account expected economic outcomes. An important stage in the process of improving transport service quality is conducting market research and consumer surveys. This helps identify specific problems and weak points in service delivery. Comparing own quality indicators with standards and competitor results enables companies to assess their market position and make decisions on further development. Innovative technologies also play a crucial role in improving transport service quality. Automating processes, implementing modern information systems for monitoring and managing transport flows helps optimize operations and reduce costs while increasing efficiency and customer satisfaction. The use of GPS navigation, online systems for tracking cargo movement and routes enhances the accuracy and transparency of transport operations. Environmental aspects are also becoming increasingly important in the context of providing quality transport services. The use of environmentally friendly vehicles, the introduction of alternative energy sources, and the reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere help improve a company’s reputation in the market and strengthen its position among customers who prioritize environmental concerns.
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