electromagnetic waves, microwave processing, agriculture, sterilization, pathogens.Abstract
The study is devoted to evaluating the effectiveness of microwave radiation for disinfecting grain crops from microorganisms and pests. The relevance of this work is due to the need to develop safe and effective alternatives to traditional methods of grain protection. A household microwave oven operating at a frequency of 2.45 GHz was used in the experiment. The results of the study showed that a 15-minute microwave treatment of grain ensures the destruction of more than 90% of fungal spores of the genera Aspergillus and Fusarium. To combat the grain louse (Sitophilus granarius), it was found that heating to a temperature of 55°C for 10 minutes leads to the death of 89% of pests. Compared to conventional pesticides, which only kill 40% of the pests in 30 minutes, microwave treatment proved more effective and safer. An economic analysis showed that the cost of microwave treatment of grain is about 50 UAH/t, which is almost twice lower than the cost of traditional disinfection methods. In addition, the microwave method is more environmentally friendly, as it does not involve harmful chemicals. It is noted that microwave technology has significant potential for use in agriculture. Due to the ability to effectively destroy pests and pathogens, microwave installations can be used to disinfect grain after harvesting. This will reduce crop losses and improve product quality. Compared to previous developments in microwave processing, the proposed method is characterised by higher efficiency, lower operating costs (30% reduction) and environmental friendliness. This article discusses the limitations of traditional sterilisation methods, their advantages, and the benefits of using microwave technology to preserve ecosystems and user health. In addition, technical characteristics, such as power and placement of radiation sources, that affect the effectiveness of microwave sterilisation are presented. The authors conclude that microwave technology has the potential to be used in agriculture. Farmers can use such generators to disinfect produce after harvesting, reducing the pest population by up to 90% in a short period and reducing the risk of product contamination. Compared to previous methods of microwave sterilisation, the modern approach reduces operating costs by 30%, improves the quality of the final product and preserves environmental friendliness.
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