cement production, carbon dioxide, separator, gas flow, simulation modeling.Abstract
Flue gases produced by cement plants during cement production have a negative impact on the environment. In addition to dust and solid particles, flue gases also contain water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, ozone, sulfur hexafluoride and other compounds that belong to greenhouse gases. Currently, one of the most common and basic technologies for reducing the carbon footprint of the cement industry is carbon capture, storage and utilization technology. In addition to capturing carbon dioxide emissions, the technology also helps reduce the environmental impact of cement production by controlling emissions of volatile organic compounds, dust and particulates. By introducing new technologies, improving production methods and using alternatives, the cement industry can reduce emissions and minimize negative consequences for the environment. Since water vapor is one of the greenhouse gases, which ultimately leads to global warming, its condensation and extraction from these flue gases is an urgent task. In order to remove water vapor from the flue gases of cement production, it is suggested to cool the flue gases to the condensation temperature, followed by the removal of droplet liquid from them. In the least expensive way, flue gas can be cooled using a device based on a Laval nozzle, in which it moves at supersonic speed, and steam condensate can be separated using separation equipment (separators). For this purpose, this work presents the developed functional scheme of the installation for the separation of liquid and mechanical particles from the gas stream. The structure and principle of action of the developed separator are described. On the developed three-dimensional model of the separator, simulation simulations of its operation were carried out, taking into account both the composition of the gas mixture, as well as its consumption, pressure and temperature. According to the simulation results, it was established that 98% of the liquid is separated from the gas-liquid mixture by the developed separator. Experimental studies of the manufactured separator were conducted, which was connected to the source of flue gases of cement production after their cooling using a multi-nozzle device (Laval nozzle). As a result, it was established that the results of simulation modeling and experimental studies have a slight discrepancy.
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