


traffic flow, road traffic, intersection, traffic flow control system, traffic signal, intersection capacity, transport network.


There are various traffic signal control systems of road intersections, which are based on different principles and criteria, according to which the modes of regulation of traffic flows are changed. But modern among them are such systems that allow you to change the parameters of the traffic light cycle depending on certain predetermined input conditions. The development and implementation of such management models of regulated intersections and their separate elements is an important and urgent task that allows solving certain traffic problems. This paper proposes the development of a traffic light signaling control model for an urban intersection, which has a classic x-shaped appearance with four approaches to it and on which a classic two-phase traffic light regulation system is installed, which is able to change the main parameters of the traffic light operation mode depending on the established control criterion – a predetermined fixed number of cars that can pass through the intersection during the time the permitted traffic light signal is lit. Such a system will be especially important for such intersections, for which it is necessary to establish a limited carrying capacity for one approach or for all of the available approaches to it, and the specified limit can be both upper and lower depending on the required changes. Such an artificial limitation will allow to solve the important problem of low capacity of the intersection, if with the available classical parameters of the traffic light regulation, most of the vehicles do not have time to pass the intersection during the permitted signal time, then to increase it, it will be appropriate to use the control system proposed in the work.


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