


social networks, anti-crisis marketing, target audience, reposts, certain territories


This article examines the role of social networks in the lives of people in war crises. Social networks play an important role in informing and disseminating information. The average user spends about 6 hours and 43 minutes a day online. This is more than 100 days per user per year. One person spends 2.7 years out of 10 years on the Internet. Social networks have become a tool for influencing people of different genders, nationalities, and wealth. If your post is considered important by close friends, they will repost it. So having 100 friends your post can be seen by millions of people. It seems to be fantastic, but in the Ukrainian world it is the norm now. In February 2022, the war in Ukraine began. After the aggressor invaded Ukraine, people needed immediate help. It was social networks that helped spread the word. Assistance was needed in transport, gasoline, food, medicine, medical care, and money. Older people aged 65+ receive information from television and family, and people aged 18 to 65 receive information on social networks. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has 17 million Instagram followers. The president or his team publishes daily news, important posts, and video appeals. Ukraine has a population of about 44 million. Using official websites to obtain information is not a convenient method. People decide that it is easier and faster to find important information on social media. It happened suddenly and unplanned. This is the first war in which social networks play such an important role. It is important to understand that where there is a lot of good, there is a lot of evil. Pages began to appear on social networks that collected money for the needs of the military or refugees, and then they disappeared with the money. To prevent this from happening, there will always be good and bad people, bad and good deeds. Social networks can both help and harm. Any platform should be treated with caution and follow the rules of conduct on the Internet. Everyone should be able to use the tools of social networks. The purpose of the article is to study social networks as an element of anti-crisis marketing of certain territories during the war in Ukraine. The article carries scientific and practical knowledge about the impact of social networks on society. The conclusion of the article is the importance of maintaining and using social networks not only in good times as a "place for entertainment" but also as a mouthpiece of truth and an "island of security".


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