essential oil, cosmetic emulsion, organoleptic indicators, sensory properties.Abstract
Depending on the presence of essential oil in various organs and tissues of plant material, all essential oil raw materials are divided into types. One of the most famous essential oil crops is mint. The article is devoted to the study of the use of mint essential oil to improve the consumer characteristics of emulsion cosmetic creams. The research used peppermint essential oil 100% produced by Adverso LLC Ukraine and a basic emulsion of the direct type with a fat phase content of 25%. Due to its composition, peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita Oil) is widely used as a flavoring agent for food products, in perfumery, pharmaceuticals, and aromatherapy. Scientists are improving the processes of obtaining commercial essential oils and extracting individual substances from them, since the technology of obtaining them affects the chemical composition of the finished product. The analysis of literary sources shows that steam distillation is a sufficiently effective, technologically convenient and economical method. A significant advantage of this method is the lack of phototoxicity and IFRA limitations. Oil quality indicators must comply with DSTU 4152-2003 “Mint essential oil. Technical conditions”. Essential oil can be part of cosmetic products not only as a fragrant substance, but also as a component capable of exerting a directed effect when used in an amount of 1-3%. The effect of the concentration of mint essential oil on the sensory properties of the cosmetic emulsion was studied. It was shown that concentrations of mint essential oil of 2.5 and 3% have the greatest effect on the density and consistency of the emulsion, which is explained by the terpene nature of the main components of the essential oil. The presence of menthol in the composition helps to reduce the feeling of greasiness on the skin compared to the base sample. At a concentration of 2-2.5%, high adhesion, uniform distribution of the emulsion on the surface of the skin without a feeling of stickiness, and rapid absorption within 1.5 minutes were noted. The most effective concentration was chosen to be 2% of the essential oil in the composition of the cosmetic emulsion, since an increase to 3% causes a very pronounced smell.
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