web application, architecture, personnel, management, time.Abstract
With technology development and changes in the business environment, automation of time tracking and scheduling processes is becoming critical. Using web applications for these tasks allows enterprises to optimise internal processes, increase productivity and ensure time-tracking accuracy. This paper aims to develop a web-based time management application with elements of a personnel management system that will automate, optimise and simplify the processes of time tracking and scheduling. This web application aims to ensure efficient use of work resources and facilitate task and project management by providing users with a user-friendly and intuitive interface. The architecture plays a vital role in the system’s implementation, ensuring high scalability for further project development. The architecture’s reliability and flexibility allow the project to be expanded in the future, turning it into a comprehensive HR management system. This ensures that new functions and modules can be integrated to improve the system’s functionality and efficiency. Particular attention is paid to the user interface, which allows users to easily interact with the system elements and provides them with a pleasant working experience. The interface is designed to minimise the user learning curve and maximise productivity. The developed web application can be implemented in the activities of enterprises of various industries to automate the accounting and planning of working time. This will increase the efficiency of workflow management, reduce time spent on administrative procedures and improve employee productivity. The system also ensures the accuracy of data, which helps to optimise the internal processes of companies and create the basis for the further development of a full-fledged HR management system.
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