method, VPN, extranet network, remote access.Abstract
This article proposes a new method of multilevel VPN tunneling. The method is aimed at ensuring secure and controlled remote access to corporate-level extranet network nodes. It allows the creation of a multilevel tunneling architecture, providing different levels of access for users depending on their roles and privileges within the corporate system. This approach significantly enhances the overall security of the network infrastructure, especially when handling confidential or critical data. The use of multiple consecutive VPN tunnels at various network levels adds additional layers of protection, ensuring reliable data transmission and defense against various cyberattacks targeting the compromise of specific nodes or communication channels. The article also provides a detailed examination of the technical aspects of the implementation and deployment of multilevel VPN tunneling. Detailed recommendations are presented for configuring VPN gateways on the Proxmox platform, choosing encryption protocols, and utilizing authentication tools at each level. Moreover, particular attention is given to optimizing the operation of VPN tunnels to minimize data transmission delays and improve the efficiency of network resource usage. This ensures more stable and faster connections for users while reducing the impact on network performance. Flexible user access control to different network segments significantly enhances security and reduces the risks of unauthorized access. Experimental research on the effectiveness of the proposed method was conducted by simulating an extranet network based on the local area network segment of the Department of Electronic Computers at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. The results confirmed the method’s effectiveness in providing uninterrupted and secure access to extranet resources, highlighting its suitability for use in modern corporate environments.
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