ABC analysis, product portfolio, product assortment, tourist enterprise, profit, turnover, expenses, tourist product, sales, assortment groups.Abstract
The article researches the product portfolio of a tourist enterprise. The product policy is aimed at expanding and optimizing the range of services provided. The main activity of the tourist enterprise is the provision of recreation services. The assortment policy of PE "Kaif" includes 17 assortment groups, which in total contain 83 names of various types of tours. Using the ABC analysis method, the services (directions) that bring the largest volumes of revenue and are in the greatest demand (Egypt, Croatia, Montenegro and the United Arab Emirates), less important assortment groups whose sales need to be stimulated (Georgia, Albania, Maldives) have been identified , Bali, Bulgaria). Assortment groups that need to be improved in order to attract consumers' attention to them are also identified (Seychelles, Slovenia, Tunisia, Serbia, Tanzania, Hungary, Macedonia). In addition, according to the results of marketing diagnostics, it was found that the largest profits for the company were provided by the sale of tourist products in the directions - the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Croatia, Montenegro and Albania. Such products (directions) as the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Croatia and Montenegro belong to the AA group, they provide the main share of both turnover and profit of the enterprise. AB and BA product groups have only one high indicator – profit or turnover, as a markup of 8–10% was made on these tour products. BB product groups (Georgia, Bulgaria and Maldives) are basic for the travel agency. The VS group (Bali) includes the direction on which the company made the minimum markup and received the minimum profit. Groups of tourist products of the SS (Slovenia, Tunisia, Tanzania, Greece, Macedonia) do not have a significant impact on either the turnover or the profit of the enterprise.
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