information technology, egg incubation, process, information, incubation chamber, automatic systemAbstract
Today, the needs of agricultural production are changing, as new requirements accordingly change the goals, technologies, and equipment implemented at the current stage. The article analyzes the decision to dynamically improve the quality of the egg incubation process due to the introduction of new generation technologies, namely the Internet of Things, information and communication technologies, in which the source and driving force is information about the real and objective state of interconnected objects and systems. Because information and communication technologies are able to process the collected information, analyze it and implement the obtained results and ideally generate innovative solutions for improving the technology with minimal losses, increasing production efficiency, increasing productivity and yielding the maximum number of poultry. The Internet of Things improves the exchange of information between physical objects that have built-in digital devices and interact with each other and the environment. In order to improve the incubation processes, an automated system has been developed, which, implementing the concepts of IoT technologies, controls and regulates microclimatic indicators with a specified accuracy in real-time conditions. The developed automatic system is built on high-tech interconnected devices that have built-in digital systems that integrate with mobile devices for the purpose of operational control of the incubation process. This system harmonizes the operation of technical and technological electrical equipment, in particular sensors and devices for monitoring and regulating microclimate parameters, thanks to software in accordance with a given algorithm, which allows obtaining accurate data and effective control and management of processes in the incubation chamber, significantly expands the capabilities of similar systems.
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