soil cultivation, working tools, ploughshare, manufacturing, surfacing, wear resistance, service life, forecastingAbstract
The paper proposes a methodology for analytical calculation and prediction of wear resistance of tillage equipment working bodies, which allows to evaluate the effectiveness of using various materials and technologies to extend the service life at the stage of their restoration by means of electroslag surfacing. Based on this methodology, we calculated the service life of ploughshares made of 30MnB5 steel and compared their wear resistance and durability with other steel grades, such as 40KhS, 65G, and 40X. In particular, it was determined that 30MnB5 steel provides a 1.4-1.5 times higher wear resistance compared to traditional 65G and 40X steels used to manufacture tillage tools. The methodology allows forecasting based on laboratory and field tests and taking into account the mechanical characteristics of materials and abrasive properties of soils, which provides an objective assessment of wear resistance in the field. The use of the presented methodology contributes to the optimal selection of materials for the manufacture and restoration of working bodies, which can significantly reduce the cost of their maintenance and extend the service life of the equipment. In addition, the developed methodology allows taking into account a wide range of operating conditions, which ensures the optimal use of resources and increases the efficiency of agricultural machinery. In particular, the use of 30MnB5 steel can significantly reduce repair and maintenance costs by increasing the service life of working bodies, which in turn increases the overall productivity of the farm. Taking into account the wear characteristics of different materials and the ability to model the process in different conditions allows for a flexible approach to the selection of materials and restoration technologies, which is an important aspect in the face of economic instability and rising material costs. This ensures the long-term efficiency and reliability of the equipment, which is critical to ensuring sustainable agricultural production.
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