


vibration deformation, automobile engine, mechanical engineering, bronze bushing, plasticity, wear resistance, recovery, plastic deformation


The scientific publication presents the results of a study on determining the influence of plastic vibration deformation of bronze bushings of automobile internal combustion engines during their restoration. The main attention of theoretical and experimental research is paid to improving the components of the technology for restoring automobile engine parts by methods of vibration plastic deformation and studying the mechanical properties of the working surfaces of restored parts of such automobile engines. Based on theoretical and experimental research, mechanisms for increasing the wear resistance of the working surfaces of bronze bushings of the gas distribution system of automobile engines are proposed as the application of vibration plastic deformation of the surface layer of bronze bushings. A series of experimental studies was carried out during the restoration of bronze bushings of the KRAZ vehicle camshaft by vibration plastic deformation. The obtained regularities of the change in the mass of the metal shifted to the end of the bronze bushing under the condition of varying the quantitative values of the angles of inclination of the working surface of the punch and the deformation force during conventional and vibrational plastic deformation confirm the superiority of the technologies of vibrational restoration of bronze bushings of automobile engines. According to the comparative results of the study of the microstructure of the working surfaces of bronze bushings of automobile engines, it is noted that when restoring such parts by vibrational plastic deformation, the surface strengthened structure becomes finer-grained and has a greater degree of uniformity compared to conventional plastic deformation of such samples. An increase in the depth of plastic deformation leads to additional strengthening of the layers of the working surface of the bronze bushing in contact with the tool being processed. When using vibrational plastic deformation, such processes occur with greater intensity.


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