



oxidation nitrogen (II) oxide, low-temperature catalyst, sanitary purification of gases, industrial absorbers


The paper presents the results of the study of the properties of some natural and artificial materials, as well as well-known catalysts in chemical synthesis for the use of increasing the rate of the chemical reaction of nitrogen (II) oxide oxidation. Platinum-based catalysts are very expensive and prone to mechanical erosion, so studying the catalytic properties of new materials is relevant today. The effectiveness of the catalyst was evaluated by comparing the concentration of nitric acid in the case of using a catalyst and in its absence, when oxidation occurred only in the gas phase. The work studied the influence of such factors as the nature of the catalyst, concentration of nitrogen (II) oxide, oxygen concentration, temperature and contact time on the rate of oxidation of nitrogen (II) oxide. It was found that hopkalite, carboalumogel, silica gel, coal, and coke are the most effective of the twelve samples of catalysts. The effect of temperature in the range of 25-80°C on the catalytic properties of materials was studied. At a temperature of 50°C, hopkalite exhibits significant catalytic activity. It was determined that the method of dosing nitrogen (IV) oxide in order to accelerate the degree of oxidation of nitrogen (II) oxide is possible for systems with a low gas concentration (0.1-0.5%). The work describes the use of oxidizing methods of gas purification in industrial atomizing absorbers as a promising method of sanitary purification of gases from nitrogen oxides. Schemes, working principles and the mechanism of chemical processes for sewage treatment plants with two or more stages of absorption are given.


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