



polymer composite, filler, red mud, latex, modulus of elasticity, structure, porosity


This article investigates the impact of the type of polymer binder and the concentration of red mud (RM) on the porous structure, sorption characteristics, and mechanical properties of polymer composites. Two types of polymers were used as binders: Latex 2012 with a particle size of 140 nm and Policril 590 with a particle size of 200 nm. It was found that the particle size of the polymer significantly influences the interaction between the filler and the matrix, as well as the structural characteristics of the composites. Composites based on Latex 2012 exhibit higher total porosity and sorption capacity due to the smaller polymer particle size, which allows for better pore accessibility and retention of the mesoporous structure. In these composites, the maximum modulus of elasticity reaches 93.5 MPa at an RM concentration of 85 wt.%, making the material promising for applications requiring high rigidity and sorption characteristics, such as in filtration and catalytic systems. In contrast, composites based on Policril 590 have a lower modulus of elasticity and reduced total porosity. This is attributed to the larger polymer particle size, which forms a denser structure around the RM particles, partially blocking the pores. The maximum modulus of elasticity for this system is only 13.3 MPa at 90 wt.% RM, indicating limited rigidity but enhanced structural density. Optical analysis confirmed structural changes with increasing RM concentration, specifically an increase in both total and open porosity, which becomes less pronounced at the macroscopic level due to the formation of fine micropores. Nitrogen adsorption isotherm analysis revealed the mesoporous nature of the composites. The obtained results demonstrate significant potential for controlling the porosity and mechanical properties of composites by selecting the type of polymer matrix and filler concentration, allowing for the adaptation of materials to specific industrial needs.


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