vehicle, analysis, transportation, refrigeration unit, temperature, technical dataAbstract
The article deals with the study of the influence of climatic conditions on the operation of motor vehicles intended for the transport of perishable and other goods, taking into account the operation of refrigeration systems. The delivery of goods using this type of transport is due to its increasing presence on the transport market in Europe and many parts of the world. In addition, the problems in air transport and the decline in water transport, as well as the lack of technical compatibility between the domestic railways and the railways of the countries of the European Union, mean that the delivery of goods in international transport by road is favoured. The main focus in the selection of suitable vehicles was on semi-trailers with cooling systems that are responsible for maintaining the temperature regime. It was found that the influence of the ambient temperature has a direct impact on the efficiency of this type of transport. The steady rise in global temperature leads to a proportional increase in fuel consumption and thus environmental pollution. The initial data for the study are the indicators of refrigeration units that are installed in on-board temperature recording systems. The measured values originate from a transport unit that has carried out transports on a specific route at specific times. It should be noted that all transports were carried out by vehicles with the same equipment. The transport route was the same for all journeys and did not include a change of climate zones or a large difference in altitude above sea level, so that the greatest possible uniformity of the data was ensured. This reduced possible errors due to external factors, such as a sharp change in weather conditions or air pressure. A wide range of ambient temperatures was taken into account, from negative to positive values. For each journey, the average daily temperature was recorded using the indicators. As a result of the study, it was found that changes in ambient temperature have a direct influence on the efficiency of refrigeration units in heavy commercial vehicles.
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