


decarbonization, ferrous metallurgy, technological transformation, electricity demand, electricity generation capacity, greenhouse gases


This article presents the results of a computational and analytical study on the impact of the low-carbon technological transformation of ferrous metallurgy on electricity consumption and the demand for electricity generation capacities to meet this consumption, as well as the change in greenhouse gas emissions resulting from this transformation. The prospective forecast of this low-carbon technological transformation includes the gradual replacement of the traditional sinter-blast furnace technology of steel production using an oxygen converter with the technology of direct reduction of iron with hydrogen using an electric arc steelmaking furnace. The sinter-blast furnace technology and an electric arc steelmaking furnace of steel production is used as an intermediate (transitional) technology in this transformation. The technology of continuous billet casting is applied to all technologies. Variant calculations were carried out for a total annual steel production of 10.0 million tons/year to ensure the possibility of further indicative scaling in relation to the prospective volumes of annual steel production. It is shown that as a result of the application of electrolysis technology for hydrogen production, direct iron reduction technology, and electric arc steelmaking technology, electricity consumption will increase from 2.74 billion kWh/year to 35.13 billion kWh/year (12.84 times) compared to the traditional sinter-blast furnace technology for steel production using an oxygen converter. At the same time, the required power generation capacity will increase from 0.48 GW to 6.15 GW (12.84 times). Greenhouse gas emissions as a result of such a transformation will decrease from 17.98 million tons of CO2-eq/year to 7.0 million tons of CO2-eq/year (2.57 times). In the future, greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced to zero with the use of carbon-neutral electricity generation technologies from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydroelectric power plants. However, given the stochastic (variable) nature of electricity generation by solar and wind power plants, ensuring a continuous and stable electricity supply to metallurgical production as its capacity increases is a task for the coming decades. The results of this study can be used in forecasting the development of electricity generating capacities of the Integrated Power System of Ukraine.


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