



electricity quality, short circuits, voltage dips and overvoltages, distortion of the electrical network, identification, classification, power consumption modes


The development of society is accompanied by an increase in the use of electrical energy. Intensification of production and the spread of electrical technologies lead to a significant increase in energy consumption and loads in the system. The problem of ensuring the quality of electricity is gaining particular importance every year due to the introduction of various renewable energy sources, powerful nonlinear consumers and the transformation of centralized power supply systems into decentralized ones. All these changes lead to the impossibility of ensuring a stable mode of electricity supply, which causes significant losses from a decrease in the quality of electricity. Given the changes in the energy sector, the issue of reducing electricity losses in electrical networks is becoming even more relevant. This is becoming one of the priority tasks for ensuring the financial stability of energy supply enterprises. The level of electricity losses in networks is a key indicator of the effectiveness of their work. This also indicates the quality of the electricity metering system and the effectiveness of the activities of energy supply companies in ensuring the transmission and distribution of electricity. Electricity quality is defined as a comprehensive set of technical parameters that characterize the quality of power supply and the functioning of electrical networks and consumers. The main parameters include voltage and frequency stability, harmonic distortions, supply interruptions, phase shifts, wave distortions, voltage heterogeneity, and others. Electricity quality is of great importance for the safety of people and property, production efficiency, comfort in everyday life, and infrastructure stability. Stable and reliable electricity supply ensures the normal operation of electrical appliances, protects against data loss and equipment damage. Electricity quality is a set of characteristics that determine its compliance with established standards and the ability to be used for the needs for which it is intended.


Про затвердження Кодексу систем розподілу https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/v0310874-18#Text

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