



digital technologies, clothing customization, visualization, prototyping, artificial intelligence


The article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of digitalization of the fashion industry, and also presents a comprehensive model of digitalization of the processes of creation, production and sale of clothing. The analysis of recent research demonstrates the active development of digital technologies in the fashion industry, including the use of automated design systems, 3D scanning, customization and artificial intelligence. The relevance of integrating digital tools for creating closed-loop algorithms with feedback loops that allow optimizing all stages of the product life cycle – from design to implementation is emphasized. The model presented in the article covers key aspects of digitalization: digital clothing design, construction, production processes, quality control, logistics and product sales methods. Special attention is paid to the implementation of artificial intelligence, which allows analyzing anthropometric data, automating the construction of structures, taking into account individual consumer needs and creating high-quality customized products. The use of three-dimensional scanning and augmented reality technologies contributes to the improvement of visualization and design processes, which significantly reduces the time and costs of product development. The proposed model takes into account the stages from the collection of primary data to the sale of clothing on the market. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the development of an integrated digital platform that takes into account the specifics of modern requirements for functionality, environmental friendliness and personalization of fashion products. This approach allows not only to increase the efficiency of production processes, but also stimulates the development of innovations in the field of fashion. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of implementing the proposed model at enterprises of the fashion industry to optimize management and production processes. This will minimize production costs, reduce the time for developing new models, improve product quality and ensure personalization in accordance with consumer requests. In addition, such a model will contribute to a flexible response to changing market trends and the introduction of innovations, in particular in the areas of sustainable development and closed production cycles.


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