information technology, computer-aided training, distance training, conceptual modelingAbstract
The research was direct to the getting of actual results for such activity: the chronological analysis in primary milestones of the evolution of native conceptions for the realization of information technologies for the computer-aided and distance training which were approved on the legislative level; the monitoring and the systematization in main achievements of the realization of given conceptions; the search of rational directions and approaches for the further perfection of given conceptions and technologies, ways of their practical introduction and application. Methodological tools for the research were based on the theory of information, information systems and technologies, computer-aided and distance training. Features, problem aspects, and factors-accelerators of the evolution development in native approaches to the introduction and to the realization of the information technologies for the computer-aided and distance training, are analyzed. According to the carried out analysis, the information model for the subject field that characterizes of the evolution, the current state, and topical directions of the development in legally defined concepts for the implementation of information technologies for the computer-aided training in the progress of the formation and the development of independent Ukraine, taking into account remote approaches, is created. The basis for the formation of such an information model was an acquisition of the chronologically oriented text representation for the field of knowledge of the studied subject area. Within the specified information model, the systematized presentation and the analytical characteristics of key theoretical principles and practical achievements, acquired during the passage of the fundamental stages in the evolutionary development of national concepts on the implementation of those information technologies for the computer-aided and distance training, that were officially supported at the state level, starting with the declaration of Ukraine`s independence, were obtained. Also, within the scope of researched subject area and its information model, approaches to the further improvement of existing domestic concepts on the implementation of information technologies for the computer-aided and distance training, were determined. The new information model was proposed, in which a number of effective approaches were integrated, allowing to supplement and improve of existing domestic concepts for the implementation of information technologies for the computer-aided and distance training, based on taking into account of peculiarities in the dynamics of modern requirements for the field of educational activity. The first stage on the practical implementation of an information model, formed on the basis of results on conducted researches, showed the possibility for achieving of a five percent increase in the productivity of information technologies for the computer-aided and distance training, improved on the basis of the use of the specified model.
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