bilingualism, communication, humanization, public administration, non-verbal means of communication, state communication policy.Abstract
The article analyzes non-verbal means of public communication through the prism of humanization of information space. The definition of general concepts in the field of non-verbal communication, traditional and non-traditional nonverbal means of communication and features of practical use of non-verbal means in the field of public communication are studied in the scientific discourse. It is determined that the humanistic aspect of modern society is that no power influence should limit or orient the citizen in the vast field of information. It was found that non-verbal means of communication perform the following functions: the introduction of additional information, which not only accompanies the main, replaces the missing verbal component, points to the described object, but sometimes contradicts its content. It is proved that non-verbal means characterize both the speaker-speaker, his business, intellectual, ethnic, social, sexual, age characteristics, and the characteristics of each individual listener, which generally help to perceive the information provided. It is noted that the humanistic aspect of modern society is that no authoritarian influence (both imperative and hidden) should limit or orient the citizen in the vast information space, a kind of general cosmic intelligence. It is concluded that the nonverbal system of communicative signs is defined as primary and natural in human society, and verbal - as secondary, artificial. This priority must be linked to the humanistic dimension, which indicates human emotions and reflections, as well as the inalienability of the human right to receive business and domestic information. Some stereotypes that exist in the scientific discourse on communication, but are no longer relevant today, have been noted.
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