risk, risk management, IT projectAbstract
The article presents a study of the concept of risk management in IT projects, which is a key aspect of the effective functioning of modern innovative enterprises. The relevance of the topic is due to the high dynamics of the development of information technologies, the increase in the share of investments in this area and the need to adequately respond to uncertainty and potential threats that arise in the process of implementing IT projects. The main stages of the life cycle of an investment project are considered, among which the pre-investment, investment and operational stages are highlighted. The significance of the preparatory stage, which includes the development of a business plan, feasibility study (FEA) and a financial plan, which involves taking into account all risks associated with the implementation of the project, is shown. The definition of investment risk is specified as the probability of partial or complete loss of projected profit due to the influence of uncertain factors. An important aspect of the study is the analysis of the classification of investment risks. Endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) risks that affect the achievement of set goals are distinguished. Internal risks include organizational, financial, technical and managerial risks that can be reduced by optimizing internal processes. External risks, including political, economic and social, are less controllable, but their impact can be taken into account through preliminary analysis and the creation of reserves. The article proposes several risk management strategies: avoidance, reduction, transfer and acceptance. Each of the strategies is considered in detail in the context of IT projects, taking into account their specifics. The importance of combining these strategies to achieve maximum efficiency is emphasized. Particular attention is paid to the risk management model in IT projects, which includes the stages of identification, qualitative and quantitative analysis, development of an action plan, implementation and monitoring. The role of economic and mathematical methods, as well as forecasting and data analysis tools in the decision-making process is emphasized. The practical significance of the study is to create a basis for reducing risks in IT projects through the integration of management approaches with modern information technologies. The proposed results can be used by IT company managers to develop a risk management strategy that will contribute to the stability, profitability and competitiveness of enterprises in the long term. The results also emphasize the need for regular risk analysis, collection of statistics and continuous improvement of management approaches in order to increase the efficiency of the implementation of investment IT projects.
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