sustainable development of communities, open data, territorial communities, information, provision toolsAbstract
The article examines the features of using open data to provide information for the sustainable development of territorial communities in Ukraine. Open data has become an important tool for strengthening transparency, accountability and stimulating innovation in various sectors, in particular in public administration. The role of open data in ensuring the sustainable development of territorial communities is analyzed. By providing access to current and relevant information, open data can help politicians, scientists and citizens make informed decisions aimed at the sustainable development of territorial communities. The benefits of open data for sustainable development are also considered and best practices for their application in the field of development of territorial communities are described; the issue of using open data to promote sustainable development of territorial communities is discussed. The essence and significance of open data as an important resource for making effective decisions aimed at the socio-economic development of communities, environmental protection and improving the quality of life is analyzed. In particular, it is investigated how data available in open sources can contribute to transparency, accountability and public involvement in the management process. Examples of successful application of open data in various areas, such as infrastructure management, energy conservation, urban development, as well as monitoring of environmental indicators and social services are given. Methods of data analysis and processing are summarized, which allow for more accurate forecasting of community needs, ensuring timely response to challenges and optimizing the use of resources. It is proven that the availability and accessibility of open data contribute to more active interaction between authorities, public organizations and residents. Particular attention is paid to the importance of institutional support, legal regulation and technical solutions that promote data openness. The main barriers to the use of open data in territorial communities are identified, including imperfect data infrastructure, low digital literacy and lack of financial resources. The implementation of an open data system in territorial communities is an important tool for achieving sustainable development goals, in particular, increasing social cohesion, economic sustainability and environmental security.
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