



national system of higher education of Ukraine, challenges, opportunities, potential of the higher education system, development of the higher education system, higher education institutions, students, personnel potential of higher education institutions.


From February 24, 2022, the education system of Ukraine, like the entire country, functions in extreme conditions. The peculiarity of this period is the need to combine important tasks that date back to the past and need their logical conclusion with actual tasks caused by the war and tasks that will determine the future development of the higher education system. The article analyzes the main challenges faced by higher education in Ukraine as a result of the Russian Federation's largescale invasion of Ukraine. They are primarily related to the destruction of the infrastructure of higher education institutions (hereinafter referred to as higher education institutions), the loss of personnel potential, the reduction of funding for higher education, the outflow of Ukrainian and foreign students from higher education institutions, and the maintenance of academic integrity in higher education institutions under martial law. It is emphasized the need to respond to these challenges as soon as possible with appropriate measures in order to preserve higher education in Ukraine and increase its contribution to the socio-economic development of the country and its regions. Current problems that have worsened and arisen in the system of higher education of Ukraine in the conditions of a rapid increase in established challenges are considered. Attention is focused on the fact that the education system faces tasks that require immediate resolution and that would never be so urgent in peacetime, namely: the safety of the functioning of educational institutions, the organization of the educational process in conditions of martial law, and many others. In order to preserve and increase the potential of the national system of higher education, the ability to form high-quality human capital and ensure the innovative character of processes in society, we must make maximum efforts to create an effective management system in higher education, to transform them into socially responsible branches of specialist training; formation of trust of citizens, the state and business in the educational, scientific, and innovative activities of higher education institutions; ensuring the proper quality of educational and scientific activities of higher education institutions, the competitiveness of the specified link of education, its accessibility for various segments of the population. The opportunities that Ukrainian higher education can obtain for its development even under such difficult conditions are given.


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