Requirements for execution

Margins – 2 cm (bottom) x 2 cm (top), 3 cm (left) x 1.5 cm (right); paragraph - 1.25 cm; line spacing – 1.5 cm; font – Times New Roman; pin - 14.

If the article contains tables and (or) illustrations, they should be compact, have a title, text font – Times New Roman, size – 12 pt. The size of tables and illustrations should not exceed the width of the page. Tables and illustrations should be placed in the appropriate place in the text.

Mandatory elements of the article:
➢ UDC index in the upper left corner of the page;
➢ initials and surname of the author in capital letters, scientific degree, academic rank, position with indication of the department, place of work, ORCID of the author in the upper right corner of the page;
➢ the title of the article in capital letters, in the center (the title of the article is submitted without the use of highly specialized abbreviations, a period is not placed at the end of the title);
➢ the main text of the article.

The main text of the article should have the following highlighted elements:
- formulation of the problem;
- analysis of the latest research and publications;
- formulation of the purpose of the research;
- presentation of the main research material;
- conclusions;
- References.

After the title of the article, annotations in Ukrainian and English must be provided (the text is identical, the volume is at least 1800 printed characters, including keywords), where the title of the article, initials and surname of the author, description of the main problem, goal, generalized results and keywords are indicated.
References to literary sources in the text are given in square brackets.

The list of references is given in the order of references in the text according to DSTU 8302:2015. "BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE. General provisions and drafting rules" and is placed after the main text.

After the list of references, after an interval of one line, the word References is placed and the English-language list of references (style - APA) of the above list of references is given. The bibliographic description of each source must, if available, be accompanied by its digital object identifier (DOI - Digital Object Identifier), which is given through a space after the bibliographic description of the source.