



city passengers transport system, mobile unit, integrated indicator of quality of service, non-financial indicators


The article examines the issue of developing a scientifically based approach to the determination and use of the cost estimate of the deviation of the quality level from the planned route of the city passenger transport system based on non-financial indicators. The purpose of the study is to develop a scientifically based approach to the formation and use of an estimate of the deviation of the quality level from the planned route of the urban passenger transport system based on non-financial indicators. The objectives of the research are: to substantiate the expediency of using non-financial indicators to assess the quality of passenger transportation; determine the essential characteristics of the route of the urban passenger transport system; determine the main factors affecting the quality of transportation; formulate the concept of optimal organization of the route; to develop an economic-mathematical model of the quality of passenger transportation using non-financial indicators using the apparatus of mass service systems theory to study work on the route. In the research process, using the methods of theoretical generalization and comparison, analysis and synthesis, non-financial indicators were determined that characterize the quality of passenger service on the route of the urban passenger transport system. it is possible to reproduce only in the conditions of simulation modeling. The movement interval together with the factory passenger capacity of the moving unit, its filling at the time of arrival at the next stop and the passenger flow parameters of this stop determine the quality of passenger service at the stop. Regarding the interval of movement of a passenger vehicle, the interests of the carrier and passengers are opposite. In order to economically reconcile the interests of the carrier and passengers, the optimal interval of movement of the moving unit was found. The concept of the coefficient of efficiency of the transport service was introduced for the quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of the transportation and the optimal organization of the route in order to evaluate the quality of passenger transportation.


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