functional yogurts, dietary fiber, plant fiber, organoleptic parameters, physicochemical parameters, microbiological indicators, quality, safetyAbstract
In recent years, interest in lactic acid products as an important component of functional nutrition is increased. Fermented milk products are known for their useful qualities. Products obtained by exposure to milk of beneficial bacteria have a strengthening effect on the immune system, they are also able to regulate the intestines, can be used as a preventive measure against colds and allergies. Fermented milk products have an important advantage, which is that they are tolerated and assimilated by most people better than milk, due to the fact that the components of milk are already partially fermented by the microflora of the yeast. Yogurt is very popular among functional fermented milk products. The functional properties of yogurts can be increased by adding dietary fiber to their composition. The possibility of obtaining yogurts with dietary fiber of wheat germ, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds is studied. The addition of dietary fiber does not have a negative impact on cooking technology and product quality is shown. The optimal concentrations of dietary fibers that provide the most harmonious organoleptic characteristics of the product were selected experimentally using the method of sensory analysis with scoring. The main physicochemical parameters of yogurts with plant fibers are determined. It is established that the addition of dietary fiber in the proposed concentrations does not worsen the indicators regulated by regulations. The microbiological characteristics of cooked yogurts with dietary fiber have been studied. The total number of mesophilic aerobic and optionally anaerobic microorganisms and the number of viable lactic acid bacteria were determined. Yogurts with dietary fiber have been found to contain slightly more total microflora than yogurts without additives, which can be explained by the presence of microflora in plant materials, which is added as an additional ingredient.
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