state security, criminal jargon, mentality, popular speech, national identityAbstract
The problems of the general people culture, in particular its linguistic aspect, directly affects the sphere of national security and as a result threatens the integrity of the state. For Ukraine, this danger comes from Russian imperial traditions, which are reflected in the language. For Ukraine, this danger comes from Russian imperial traditions, which are reflected in the language, and therefore need to get rid of such linguistic elements. The purpose of the article is to analyze the elements of the criminal jargon in the former and modern speech of Ukrainians. It is also necessary to analyze the semantic transformation of some argots and to find a correlation between the negative argots connotation, the negative features of Ukrainian society – corruption, distrust of power and low cultural level – and general danger to Ukrainian statehood. This article analyzes the correlation effect of criminal jargon units on the Ukrainian mentality. This is negative influence of the Russian language form to the Ukraine language and formation a corresponding mentality that threatens the national identity. For example, family names «mother» or «dad» denote a criminal group leader or drug dealer. Today they are relevant as a symbol of the boss, manager. However, such a boss represents administrative-command management style, for ordinary citizens and marginal he is a caring master. «Father» is the name of the authoritarian president of Belarus Lukashenko, «The Father of all peoples» was Stalin. Similarly, such reflections are in the prisoner speech – «pukhan» (authority) and the «boogor» (brigadier). Thus, there is a direct link between the criminal culture and the authoritarian style of governance that affects the development of a post-totalitarian society.
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