



logistics, enterprise, waste, food industry, biogas, energy, ecology, stages of formation


It was noted that due to the specificity of socio-economic and natural conditions, which determine the predominant role of agricultural activities of the local population, the main polluters of the environment on the territory of Western Ukraine are food and processing enterprises. The expediency, need and stages of the development of environmental science as a type of innovative activity, the purpose of which is to preserve the environment and environmental ecology, are analyzed. As an example, the effectiveness of the step-by-step introduction of ecological activities is illustrated at the processing and food industry enterprises of Western Ukraine. It was noted that the formation of effective ecological activities cannot be done without the proper assistance of local self-government bodies and state authorities. It has been proven that with the thoughtful guidance and assistance of local self-government bodies, the processing of organic waste can be economically beneficial both for producers of food and processing industries, and for residents of local communities. It has been established that the effective integration of environmental science into the economy of the state is possible through the creation of environmental enterprises. This can be done only through the legislative implementation of an effective environmental strategy, which will be the main competitive advantage of the enterprise in modern business conditions. The following are proposed as the main stages of implementation of effective ecological activities on the territory of local communities: – construction of regional power plants and energy installations for the production of electricity by burning biogas; – purchase and efficient operation of equipment for processing organic waste into biogas; – establishment of operational collection, sorting and processing of industrial waste; – strict control over the inadmissibility of violations by producers of sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements for waste water and waste disposal. It is recommended that the implementation and control over the quality implementation of all four stages be entrusted to local self-government bodies. In addition, for the implementation of the second and third stages, it is appropriate to involve the state authorities. It was noted that for the effective integration of ecology into the economy of the state through the creation of ecological enterprises, the legislative implementation of an effective environmental strategy is necessary, which will be the main competitive advantage of the enterprise in modern business conditions.


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