


knowledge, intellectual capital, cognitive management, creative, creativity, management employee


The purpose of the work is to study the role of creativity in cognitive management. People and the knowledge they possess, in particular, intellectual capital, professional competence, have recently become the most important resources for the development of an enterprise. Serious socio-economic and technological changes are taking place, stimulating attention to more effective management of the company's intellectual resources. The work substantiates that intellectual resources are a set of accumulated knowledge that is created, distributed and used, contribute to the formation of new management technologies and approaches in management, as an example of a cognitive approach. The content, role of cognitive management and its basic principles at enterprises are explored in the work. It is substantiated that the main thing in cognitive management is constant training taking into account the experience of the operation and development of the enterprise in the relevant business environment; the systematic management of business processes from which knowledge is identified, accumulated, distributed and applied. All employees of the enterprise have relevant knowledge, which are able to acquire new knowledge, improve it, develop their personality, show creativity, especially in our crazy and dynamic time of information explosion. The paper examines the role of management employees as creative people. The work defines the importance of creativity for the enterprise, its features. It is substantiated that creative management becomes an important element of the management system of modern enterprises and represents a specific system of management of the creative process of development and implementation of a creative idea, based on non-standard and original solutions, as a result of which the purpose, role, and tasks are defined. The work examines the role of management employees as creatives in the enterprise and substantiates their significance for cognitive management


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