food industry, sugar production, alcohol production, management scenario, management system, organizational and technical systemAbstract
The article examines the problems of organizing the processes of managing technological complexes of the leading branches of the food industry: sugar and alcohol. Features of such control objects are characterized as multifactorial, nonstationary, high degree of uncertainty, which has the character of both stochasticity and vagueness; the complex nature of behavior caused by significant nonlinearity, which leads to the emergence of abnormal modes of operation of objects due to the phenomena of deterministic chaos. At the same time, such objects have the ability to self-organize, which can ensure, with appropriate measures of a preventive nature, the organization of effective resource-saving management strategies, built not from forced positions, but taking into account the natural direction of technological processes. Such predictability of control systems is ensured by the use of control scenarios, with the help of which all possible production situations and management decisions in these situations are outlined. The purpose of this work is to develop scenarios for managing technological complexes of the sugar and alcohol industry, taking into account various factors of production and the situation in the management facilities. A methodology for building control scenarios for complex technological control objects has been developed, taking into account the specifics of the flow of technological processes of a natural nature. On the basis of constructed factor-objective diagrams and expert survey, control scenarios were formed for various conditions of equipment operation and production tasks. Management scenarios are presented in the form of graph models, transitions in which are carried out on the basis of qualitative assessment in fuzzy categories. Developed scenarios for managing technological complexes of the leading branches of the food industry became the basis of control algorithms in automated computer control systems for sugar and alcohol production. The implementation of such systems ensured the improvement of product quality, reduction of the specific costs of production resources and improvement of equipment productivity.
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