


block station, industrial energy facilities, polluting emissions, air pollution


The work is devoted to highlighting the general problem of air pollution from industrial block stations. When Ukraine became a contracting party of the Energy Community, it undertook to fulfill the requirements of Directive 2010/75/EC on limiting industrial emissions. In order to achieve the established norms, it is necessary to significantly modernize the equipment at the enterprise, which requires quite significant capital investments. In this case, it is more profitable for the owners of outdated coal-fired block stations to decommission than to operate at a loss. This can lead to a critical shortage of generating capacity in the power system. In order to prevent the development of such a scenario, incinerators must pay an environmental tax on emissions in the amount that roughly corresponds to the costs of operating modern treatment plants. The work considered the largest working block stations of Ukraine. Taking into account the full-scale war on the territory of our country, which was vilely started by Russia, the situation in the energy system becomes quite uncertain, and since block stations also give a surplus to the energy system of Ukraine, their role is taken into account in the overall balance. Thus, plans to reduce polluting emissions from large incineration plants, which were developed before the war, need a complete update. Most of the generation facilities were destroyed, and the other part is morally and physically obsolete and its restoration is impractical in the current situation. Thus, after the end of the war, the post-war reconstruction of the country should include the construction and introduction of new generating capacities, which will be built according to new technologies and standards. Building new facilities and putting them into operation requires significant funds and a long time. Therefore, there is a need to maintain the efficiency of working block stations during the so-called transition period, before the introduction of new capacities.


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