



microclimate, premises, parameters, ventilation, heating, lighting, litter


The article provides a rationale for technical and technological solutions for creating an optimal microclimate in a poultry house. The optimal microclimate in the room contributes to the most complete manifestation of the physiological capabilities of the bird's body and obtaining maximum productivity. Ventilation provides access to fresh air, and also removes excess moisture, potentially harmful gaseous substances and metabolic products in the air from the poultry house. All ventilation systems are designed for supply-exhaust operations to remove used air and supply fresh air from the outside environment. The optimal temperature regime is of great importance for productive birds, especially in the first weeks of life, and is ensured by heating and cooling systems. The entire hall is heated, or in combination with local heaters. Electricity, natural gas or propane, sometimes diesel fuel, peat, brown coal are used as energy carriers. Models with radiator fans are very effective for use in a set with splitters and a hose, through which the heat can be directed in different directions in the area of the poultry house. The intensification of egg (and broiler meat) production technologies has led to the isolation of poultry from the natural environment and their content in windowless poultry houses with regulated microclimate and artificial lighting. For room lighting, the most common lighting sources are incandescent and fluorescent lamps. LED lamps are energy-saving lighting sources of increased brightness, characterized by low energy consumption. The use of an effective tape system of trace removal allows to reduce the costs of maintenance and electricity. The installation of a receiving shaft under the building of the poultry house for the accumulation and drying of litter excludes the occurrence of dust and ensures the cleanliness of the completion of work at the site of litter removal.


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